The 2023_2 newsletter is online!
Digital transformation: Co-determination. Help shape it.
The ideas lab on 23.11.2023 with the topic "Shaping the co-determined introduction of AI" brought together experts from science and practice at the ZESS (Research Centre for the Engineering of Smart Product-Service Systems).
Ideas lab "Shaping co-determined AI introduction" on 23 November 2023 from 4 pm. to 7 pm in Bochum
Learn about and develop technical innovation!
Lecture by Prof. Dr Manfred Wannöffel on the challenges of digital transformation
Completion of the BR Remote project funded by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Our short article on learning factories as innovative venues for vocational training and learning at universities in Forum Weiterbildungsverbünde (forum wbv)
Exchange on IG Metall's International Project Management at O-Werk
The newsletter 2023_1 is online!
The 2022 Annual Report is online!
Trade union relevant issues from a scientific perspective
Analysis of industrial relations
Can this succeed without trade union participation?
Your chance: internships, supervised theses and job offers!
the event ended with a panel discussion, all presentations are available on the YouTube channel of the RUB Academy.
The third edition of the book "Lexikon der Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie" has been published.
On 20.01.2023, everything revolved around the topic of founding from the humanities and social sciences.