Academic Teaching Activities

Current and recurring events

The interdisciplinary, two-semester seminar "Management and Organisation of Work" is aimed at both social science and engineering master's students. The main objectives are to sensitise the students to questions of the organisation and management of work and to clarify the role of co-determination and social partnership in company life.

In research projects with regionally based companies, students are given the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge about the organisation of work, issues of co-determination and new developments in industrial production gained in the first part of the seminar in close cooperation with the cooperating works councils and other company representatives.

Carried out in cooperation with: Chair of Production Systems (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering).

Contact person: Marvin Schäfer

In the winter semester 20/21, Prof. Dr. Manfred Wannöffel and Günter Schneider offered the master's seminar "AI in the world of work" at the Faculty of Social Sciences, which dealt with current developments and the implementation of artificial intelligence in the world of work and the associated challenges for participation and co-determination. It took place online. The event is expected to be held again in the winter semester 21/22.

Contact person: Manfred Wannöffel

In the advanced module "Work", two seminars are offered to bachelor students per semester, which deal with the relationship between work, remuneration and performance.

In the seminar "Job Evaluation and Basic Pay Determination", the fundamentals of job evaluation and basic pay determination in organizations are taught. In addition, basic pay systems are discussed on the basis of two collective agreements from the metal and electrical industries and the public sector.

In the seminar "Performance pays? Methods of Company Performance Renumeration" - building on the content of the aforementioned seminar - the application of performance renumeration systems in practice will be dealt with. This includes, in particular, the design of piecework, bonus and target agreement systems as well as the determination of variable remuneration components through performance appraisals.

Both seminars also deal in depth with the role of trade unions and employee representatives in the design of incentive pay systems.

Contact person: Claudia Niewerth

The block seminar "Introduction to Organisational Sociology" takes place regularly in the summer semester. The course is interdisciplinary and can be attended by students of both the Faculty of Social Sciences and Sports Sciences. The seminar teaches the basics of organisational theory and explains their practical relevance to sports clubs.

Contact person: Tim Harbecke