Contribution to trade union education


Cover der Veröffentlichung Atlas der Digitalen Arbeit

With a contribution to trade union education "Where the works council learns", Prof. Dr. Manfred Wannöffel participated in the publication "Atlas of Digital Work. Facts and figures on employment of the future." by the Hans Böckler Foundation and the German Trade Union Confederation. "Anyone who wants to represent their workforce competently today needs professional digital knowledge also about management, product and production problems. "Learning factories" at colleges and universities, which replicate what happens in companies, fulfil this task of further education". In his contribution, Prof. Dr. Manfred Wannöffel argues for further educational formats for works councils and stakeholders on current technological developments in the production-related environment of learning factories. The publication is available at the following link, the article by Prof. Dr. Wannöffel can be read on p. 49.

Cover der Veröffentlichung Atlas der Digitalen Arbeit
© Hans-Böckler-Stiftung

With a contribution to trade union education "Where the works council learns", Prof. Dr. Manfred Wannöffel participated in the publication "Atlas of Digital Work. Facts and figures on employment of the future." by the Hans Böckler Foundation and the German Trade Union Confederation. "Anyone who wants to represent their workforce competently today needs professional digital knowledge also about management, product and production problems. "Learning factories" at colleges and universities, which replicate what happens in companies, fulfil this task of further education". In his contribution, Prof. Dr. Manfred Wannöffel argues for further educational formats for works councils and stakeholders on current technological developments in the production-related environment of learning factories. The publication is available at the following link, the article by Prof. Dr. Wannöffel can be read on p. 49.